donderdag 7 oktober 2010

JGame modify background switching and progressbar during loads

JGame 3.3

Download .zip from

Unpack JGame : jar xvf jgame*

Changing Background after initialize.

The 3.3 version didn´t allow changing the background during
the game. So I modified the source code±

Modified :

Modify this function:
public void repaintBG(JGEngineInterface eng) {

Comment out some check later in the function (scroll down approx. two pages to find bg_defined ..
// comment this since we want to change
// the background during play
//if (bg_defined[xi_mod][yi_mod]) continue;

Changing defineMedia behaviour 

Default action for defineMedia was not to show progress when chaning
levels for instance.
Another source alteration is necessary for the 3.3 version


Add below (setBGImage function)

public void setInitialised(){
public void setUnItialised(){

And under JGCanvas change + add the following:

void setInitialised() {
// Do not destroy painter function
// initpainter=null;
// New function
void setUninitialised() {

To recompile the jar file:


Copy the JAR file to the development directory.

// MODIFIED jgame-jre.jar !!!
// Compile:
// javac -cp jgame-jre.jar
// Run:
// test.html :
// <applet code="test" width="640" height="480" archive="jgame-jre.jar">
// </applet>

import jgame.*;
import jgame.platform.*;

// Demonstartion of loading level data
// And setting diferent backgrounds
public class test extends JGEngine {

String previousstate=""; // keep track of the game states

int level=1; // level number
int playernr=1000; // player number

Player player; // player object so that we can remove when
// we need to change to different player

double gamespeed=2.0; // game speed

public static void main(String [] args) { new test(0,0); }
public test() { initEngineApplet(); }
public test(int x,int y){initEngine(x,y);}
public void initCanvas() { setCanvasSettings(20,15,32,32,null,null,null); }
public void initGame() {

// backgrounds, font





// Title Stage
// start is called once ..
// we can ommit this for this time .. but it is left for demonstration
public void startTitle(){

// Each frame of the state this routine gets called
public void doFrameTitle() {
// SPACE BAR to start
if (getKey(' ')) {
// Create player
player=new Player(pfWidth()/2-25,pfHeight()-113);
// Set state to our own state


// Each frame this PAINT routine gets called
// You put stuff on the screen in this method during the stage
public void paintFrameTitle() {
drawImageString("SPACE TO START",120,200,-1,"font_map",32,0);

// ---
// MyOwn  -- You define your own name .. it is picked up by the engine and
//           these methods get called once you do setGameState("MyOwn");
// ---
// Game State MyOwn
// start(STATE) is called once!
// Initialise objects to be used in the doFrame[state] or paintFrame[state] methods
public void startMyOwn(){
// Called each frame during the state 'MyOwn'
// -- DO NOT PAINT THINGS -- use doPaint
public void doFrameMyOwn(){

// if previous state was != myown
// Set background

// manual set animation?
//defineAnimation(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String[] frames, double speed, boolean pingpong)

//  collision checking .. but we do not have other objects yet ..
// player = 1 , others are 2
// checkCollision(2,1);
// Calls the hit method for player (1)
// And gives the 2 as the object ...

// Paint routine for my own ..
public void paintFrameMyOwn(){


// ---
// GameState = load .. level load
// ---
// once called during state
public void startload(){


// Not used
public void doFrameload(){

// If we want a new  player ..
// if(player!=null) player.remove();

// Advance next level ..
if(level++ > 2)level=1;

// This sets the state to unintialised and makes sure
// that the progressbar function gets called!
// Maybe new frame rate?
// basic
// different objects -- we just reload the player object to use
// extra load time for demonstartion

// Set the initialised state so that we remove the progress bar

// new state

// Not used
public void paintFrameload(){

// Special

// Called each state !! except for the setUninitialised state ..
public void paintFrame() {
drawImageString("SCORE 00 ",150,0,-1,"font_map",32,0);

// When state goes to game over
public void paintFrameGameOver() {
drawImageString("GAME OVER",165,200,-1,"font_map",32,0);

// *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
// Other classes
// *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

// *******************************************
// Player class
// *******************************************
// The player takes care of movement and collision checks for
//            the player sprite
public class Player extends JGObject {
// Keep track of the old position ... used to determine if we moved
double oldx=0;
double oldy=0;
// What is the mininum and maximum area to move between
// (used when hitting objects, later ...)
double xmin=0;
double xmax=1024;
// Constructor
public Player(double x, double y) {
// player id          = 1
// Called each frame
public void move() {
// Keys A and B change the background

// Player movement

if (getKey(KeyLeft)  && x > 14 && x > xmin) {             x -= 3*gamespeed; xdir=-1;}
if (getKey(KeyRight) && x < pfWidth()-51-14 && x < xmax){ x += 3*gamespeed; xdir=1;}
if(x!=oldx || y!=oldy){
// Walking aninatmion .. each direction has its animation
if (xdir<0) { setAnim("walking_w0000.bmp"); } else { setAnim("walking_e0000.bmp"); }
// when you do not move stop animation ..

// Object hit ..
// For now we do not have other objects ...
public void hit(JGObject obj) {
System.out.println("Object you hit : "+obj.toString());

// EOClass

// ****
// Other object
// ****

// levels\level1.tbl
// bgimg1 p 0 bgimg3.jpg - 0 0 0 0
// bgimg2 p 0 bgimg4.jpg - 0 0 0 0
// levels\level2.tbl
// bgimg1 p 0 bgimg3.jpg - 0 0 0 0
// bgimg2 p 0 bgimg4.jpg - 0 0 0 0

// Just use 4 jpg files as a placeholder

// test.tbl
// splash_image p 0 splash.jpg - 0 0 0 0
// font_map font293-tr.gif 0 0 32 20 0 0
// bgimg1 p 0 bgimg1.jpg - 0 0 0 0
// bgimg2 p 0 bgimg2.jpg - 0 0 0 0

// splash.jpg is just a jpg file
// font293-tr.gif is taken from the jgame examples (nebula)

// player1000.tbl

//luigismall_map luigismall.png 0 0 96 96 0 0
//walking_e0000.bmp_0 p 0 luigismall_map 0 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_1 p 0 luigismall_map 1 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_2 p 0 luigismall_map 2 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_3 p 0 luigismall_map 3 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_4 p 0 luigismall_map 4 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_5 p 0 luigismall_map 5 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_6 p 0 luigismall_map 6 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_7 p 0 luigismall_map 7 -
//walking_e0000.bmp walking_e0000.bmp_0;walking_e0000.bmp_1;walking_e0000.bmp_2;walking_e0000.bmp_3;walking_e0000.bmp_4;walking_e0000.bmp_5;walking_e0000.bmp_6;walking_e0000.bmp_7; 0.5
//walking_e0000.bmp_8 p 0 luigismall_map 8 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_9 p 0 luigismall_map 9 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_10 p 0 luigismall_map 10 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_11 p 0 luigismall_map 11 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_12 p 0 luigismall_map 12 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_13 p 0 luigismall_map 13 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_14 p 0 luigismall_map 14 -
//walking_e0000.bmp_15 p 0 luigismall_map 15 -
//walking_w0000.bmp walking_e0000.bmp_8;walking_e0000.bmp_9;walking_e0000.bmp_10;walking_e0000.bmp_11;walking_e0000.bmp_12;walking_e0000.bmp_13;walking_e0000.bmp_14;walking_e0000.bmp_15; 0.5

// See for jgame documentation how this animation sequence works...
// Basically the luigismall.png file has 16 frames in a stripe-format
// [0][1][2][3] ... [15]
// Each frame is 96 pixels high and 96 pixels wide

To compile your test program:

javac -cp jgame-jre.jar

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